About TYAF
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- Category: About TYAF
- Hits: 15075
The Taiwanese Youth Arts Foundation, Inc. was founded by 3 fellow Taiwanese, Yaodong Hong, Minting Chen and HoYin Tsai, and registered with the U.S. government as non-profit organization in 1982. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide young people the opportunities to learn the Taiwanese language and to promote Taiwanese culture in the Greater Washington Metropolitan Area. Mr. and Mrs. Jiemu Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Guanyuan Lin, and Mr. and Mrs. Liushiong Chuang, along with over 30 other families in the region founded the Washington DC Taiwanese school (formerly known as Washington DC Taiwanese Language School). The School and the Foundation organize events together on a regular basis, so that young people have the opportunity to learn the Taiwanese languages and to experience Taiwan's scenery, culture, people, history, and heritage.
The Foundation holds an annual meeting in May to elect new board of directors. Current board of directors members are:
- President: Chienyuan Kao Ph.D. (高健元博士)
- Secretary: Alice Tuan (段春黎)
- Treasurer: Meiyun Hshieh (呂美雲)
- Extra-Curriculum Activities: David Tang (唐伯禹)
- Public Affairs: Chia-Chia (許嘉家)
Former board of directors members are as follows:
- 1982-1983 洪耀東、陳敏庭、蔡和吟
- 1983-1984 莊六雄、范清美、許福連
- 1984-1985 楊基定、黃明達、紀華山
- 1985-1986 李界木、蔡武雄、紀華山、黃明達、楊基定
- 1986-1987 蔡武雄、許福連、謝淑貞、董宏雄、李界木
- 1987-1988 許福連、謝淑貞、卲媛子、董宏雄、柯耀庭
- 1988-1989 紀華山、許志明、卲媛子、黃世安、高聰亮
- 1989-1990 黃錦鳳、許志明、紀華山、葉賜田、劉嫦娥(邵媛子)
- 1990-1991 朱石象、黃錦鳳、黃顯臻、葉賜田、劉嫦娥
- 1991-1992 朱石象、王國斌、黃顯臻、李美芳、許福連
- 1992-1993 羅玉妧、黃隆正、李美芳、黃良平、黃興貫
- 1993-1994 羅玉妧、彭雅美、馮昭卿、蘇日瑞、黃興貫
- 1994-1995 蔡文博、郭惠娜、馮昭卿、蘇日瑞、賴國龍
- 1995-1996 許桂棠、郭惠娜、周美珠、高健元、賴國龍
- 1996-1997 許桂棠、周美珠、高健元、黃美雲、劉麗英、洪敏瑛
- 1997-1998 黃美雲、李宗洲、洪敏瑛、蔡滄波、劉麗英、簡明子
- 1998-1999 洪敏瑛、簡明子、李宗洲、賴國龍、侯文俊
- 1999-2000 賴國龍、簡明子、侯文俊、吳倍茂、謝博六
- 2000-2001 吳倍茂、謝博六、許福連、林瑛惠、唐國樑
- 2001-2002 許福連、林瑛惠、洪淑卿、林素華、廖恆一
- 2002-2003 黃俊平、林素華、洪淑卿、廖恆一、李淑如
- 2003-2004 黃美雲、許福連、黃秀薰、李瑞鳳、葉泰平
- 2004-2005 鄭夙容、黃秀薰、李瑞鳳、胡玉蓉、葉泰平
- 2005-2006 鄭夙容、胡玉蓉、劉麗英、馬芳蘭、魏靖松
- 2006-2007 劉麗英、許憲彰、蔡篤勳、馬芳蘭、魏靖松、孟祺然
- 2007-2008 劉麗英、許憲彰、蔡篤勳、段春黎、許勉修、孟祺然
- 2008-2009 陳瑞寶、劉麗英、莊瑞源、段春黎、許勉修
- 2009-2010 胡玉蓉、鄭夙容、莊瑞源、黃秀薰、陳瑞寶
- 2010-2011 胡玉蓉、鄭夙容、黃秀薰、王靖、Charles Tsai
- 2011-2012 黃美雲、趙弘雅、陳郁如、王靖、Charles Tsai
- 2012-2013 趙弘雅、黃美雲、段春黎、Vivian Tsai、Charles Tsai
- 2013-2014 許福連、段春黎、劉順珍、Vivian Tsai、David Tang
- 2014-2015 許福連、段春黎、劉順珍、Chia-Chia Hsu、David Tang
- 2015-2016 許福連、段春黎、高健元、Chia-Chia Hsu、David Tang
- 2016-2017 高健元、段春黎、呂美雲、Chia-Chia Hsu、David Tang
- 2017-2018 高健元、段春黎、呂美雲、Chia-Chia Hsu、David Tang
- 2018-2019 胡玉蓉、林青棻、呂美雲、Chia-Chia Hsu、David Tang
The Foundation and the Taiwanese Association of America has jointly organized "Taiwan Night" every year since 1985. Outstanding Youth Awards have been presented to recognize young talent. Since 1990, the Foundation has awarded special community service awards for exceptional contributions to the Taiwanese community. In 2007, the Foundation became a certifying organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award. This award is now presented by the Foundation to recognize outstanding service and dedication to the Taiwanese community.
The Foundation is funded entirely by donations and active participation of parents and students of the Washington DC Taiwanese School. The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) provides generous contributions from Federal government employees. All donations are entitled to IRS tax exemption. The Foundation and the Washington DC Taiwanese School strongly urge fellow colleagues to support the Foundation and participate in organized events.
The Taiwanese Youth Arts Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. Please make checks payable to TYAF, P.O. Box 341384, Bethesda, MD 20827.
The Taiwanese Youth Arts Foundation is a registered non-profit organization with the United States government. Donations are tax-exempt. Please sponsor and support the local Taiwanese community, and join the Washington DC Taiwanese School.
Please send donations to: TYAF, P.O. Box 341384, Bethesda, MD 20827
Contact: Yu-Jung Chou (胡玉蓉), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Treasurer: Meiyun Hshieh (呂美雲), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 301-528-2291
台 灣 人 青 少 年 才 藝 基 金 會 簡 介
台灣人青少年才藝基金會 (Taiwanese Youth Arts Foundation, Inc.) 係由華府地區洪耀東、陳敏庭和蔡和吟三位同鄉精心設計,於1982年依法向美國政府註冊而成立的非營利基金會。設立基金會的目的是給本地區台灣青年提供學習台灣語文的機會,來認識及促進台灣文化。1983年,本地區一群熱心同鄉如李界木夫婦、林光源夫婦、莊六雄夫婦等三十幾家創立「華府台語學校」(今改為“華府台灣學校”)。是年底和基金會合併,定期舉辦活動,讓青少年有機會來學習和運用台灣母語,及認識台灣的風光、民情和歷史、文物。
- 董事長:Yu-Jung Chou (胡玉蓉)
- 課外活動:David Tang (唐伯禹)
- 財務:Meiyun Hshieh (呂美雲)
- 總務:Chia-Chia Hsu (許嘉家)
- 祕書:Ching-Fen Lin (林青棻)
基金會除了經營台語學校外,自1985年起每年定期與台灣同鄉會合辦『台灣之夜』,頒發優秀青少年獎,用來表彰青少年的才藝,1990年起開始頒發優秀服務獎來表揚對基金會貢獻傑出的同鄉; 2007年起頒發美國總統社區服務獎以鼓勵同鄉們對社區服務的熱誠。
青少年才藝基金會是美國政府註冊的非營利機構,捐款享有免稅的利益,請大家贊助,並請踴躍參與 [華府台灣學校]。
捐款請寄:TYAF, P.O. Box 341384, Bethesda, MD 20827。
Contact: Yu-Jung Chou (胡玉蓉), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Treasurer: Meiyun Hshieh (呂美雲), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 301-528-2291
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- Category: About TYAF
- Hits: 163732
The Taiwanese Youth Arts Foundation, Inc. (TYAF), established in 1982, is an IRS recognized non-profit organization.
The TYAF is the major funding resource for the Washington DC Taiwanese School (WDCTS). WDCTS is a heritage school and offers Mandarin and Taiwanese classes for students from pre-school to 12 grades. WDCTS also offers Japanese classes for adults and several extra-curricular activities such as Chess, Erhu, Violin, Art, Chinese Yoyo, Tennis, Aerobic Dance, and Tai-Chi.
Provide environment and opportunities for the young generations to learn Taiwanese languages and culture
Promote the understanding of Asian history and appreciation of different backgrounds
Engage in cultural, educational, social, and charitable activities and community services
Cultural and Charitable Activities
Sponsor the Outstanding Taiwanese American Youth Awards, in the Great Washington D.C. and Baltimore Metropolitan Area, to the youths (9th to 12th grade) who have outstanding achievements in Arts and Literature, Performing Arts, Athletics, Leadership, Academic, and Participation in Taiwanese Community Activities.
Sponsor the Summer Taiwanese Teachers Workshop.
Celebrate annual events, including the Lunar New Year, Taiwanese American Heritage Week, Mother’s Day, Harvest Moon Festival, and Winter Solstice.
Sponsor and support many cultural activities such as Taiwanese puppet show, and Review of the History of Taiwanese Movies.
Participate in charitable activities and community services, such as raising funds for disaster relief (e.g., 2005 Louisiana Katrina Flood).
* Any contribution, large or small, is appreciated! Please send a check payable to TYAF at the address below:
P.O. Box 341384
Bethesda, MD 20827
CFC number: 78431