Category: Outstanding Service Award
Hits: 9338

1992-1993 Outstanding Service Award Recipient

Margie Lee

Mrs. Lee is one of the original founders of the Washington DC Taiwanese Language School since its inception ten years ago. She is also the only teacher to have taught the Taiwanese language classes continuously in the past decade. In addition, she is responsible for curriculum development for Taiwanese language instruction at all levels.>

In order to promote the Taiwanese-language instruction, Mrs. Lee has herself undertaken a vigorous study program of the various Romanization systems of the language. Among the systems she recommended and adopted for use in the School's instructional programs were, initially, the Taiwan Presbyterian Church's Romanization System and, subsequently, the Modern Taiwanese Romanization System. Over the years, she has also trained many Taiwanese-language instructors as well as Taiwanese-Americans interested in Taiwanese culture. In addition, she has assisted in the planning and establishment of the Taiwanese Language School in the State of Delaware.

Mrs. Lee is especially recognized for her authorship and adaptation of scores of Taiwanese children's folk songs and poems through her use of the two different Romanization Systems. These instructional materials have been widely adapted by other language schools across the United States and much valued by students of the Taiwanese Language. Her masterpiece is a stage script entitled "Duke Pac's Judgement on the Rock" presented by her Taiwanese language school students during an East Coast Taiwanese-American Conference in 1988. The play was hailed as a great success.